Free Diagnosis form

Fill the following items, please press the「send」button.


Status of residence
Period of stay
Date of expiration
Date of entry
How long stay in Japan
Purpose of Entry
What do you want to do

1.Change from student visa to employment visa:

Education (Last school or institution)
Major field of study
Education background at Home country
Type of work
Type of company
Number of employees
Work description Specifically

2.Change from employment visa to management visa:

Status of residence
Period of stay
Tax payment Paid Not yet
Company foundation Yes No
Type of company
Number of employees

3. Change from others visa to Spouse/Dependent visa

Status of residence
Period of stay
Tax payment Paid Not yet
Annual income
Spouse nationality
Spouse Status of residence
Spouse Period of stay
Marriage number
Living together Yes No

4. Permanent Residence

Status of residence
Period of stay
Tax payment Paid Not yet
How long stay in Japan
Annual income
Number of days out of Japan in one year

5.Naturalization・Japanese citizenship

Status of residence
Period of stay
Tax payment Paid Not yet
Pensioners Yes No
How long stay in Japan
Spouse is Japanese? Yes No
Parents is Japanese? Yes No
Annual income
Number of days out of Japan in one year